Welcome to

PEACE through PIE

A Movement Creating a Culture of Connectedness

Let's Make Peace Together

Why PIE?








It takes EVERYONE and EVERYTHING to create a culture of Connectedness. As a non-profit 501(c)(3), our mission is to bring values and practices that support the creation of strong self, and community connections. Our individual and collective health depends on it.
We go beyond the surface of 'kumbaya’ and wishful thinking by actively partnering and consulting with schools, diverse faith groups, businesses, and community organizations, to provide impactful materials and programs.

The 3 Ingredients

Community - Expanding your cultural awareness while growing community and connectedness.
Peace-of-Mind - Connecting to your inner peace and wellbeing.
The Food Connection - Experiencing the power of food as a connection to your personal wellbeing, and as a bridge to others.

Take Action

Make a difference in your life and others. Contact us on ways you can intentionally start your peace journey at info@peacethroughpie.org


Expanding the Cultural Awareness, Appreciation, and Connections with Others

Since 2009, people from different communities gather to celebrate the values PEACE through PIE represents throughout the U.S. in homes, schools, faith groups, businesses and organizations. People, of all ages, come together to celebrate, learn, honor and "break bread together," This initiative brings content and programs that support the unique perspective, values and customs of different cultures, to foster and bridge connections.


Uncovering the Secrets between Inner Peace and its Relationship to Health & Wellbeing

We all know the saying, "You can't give what you don't have." We believe the answer to the peace we want to see in the world starts with the inner-peace work we do on ourselves. This initiative brings custom content, programs, tools and practices that jump-start and support your inner work--putting you on a path toward healthy inner talk, that can impact your health and relationships with others.

YOUR food connection

Experiencing the Power and Symbolism of Food to be Healthy, Connect, Transform and Empower

Feeling inner peace, and your body's health, emotional, and physical wellbeing, has direct ties to the food you eat, and food access, Food has the power to bring people together, and to divide. Food quality directly influences learning and general health. Sharing food can convey gratitude, kinship, acceptance, comfort and love. This initiative supports how food impacts your health, and the wellbeing of others.