Your Food Connection
Your Food Connection
Experiencing the Power and Symbolism of Food to Connect, Transform and Empower. Food is a crucial link to feeling inner peace, and general emotional, and physical wellbeing. How we grow, learn, how we feel is all tied to the food we eat. For some the absence of fresh quality food, is more challenging. Food has the power to bring people together, and to divide. Food quality directly influences learning and general health. Sharing food can convey gratitude, kinship, acceptance, comfort and love.
The Green Seedling Magazine
As part of the YOUR FOOD CONNECTION INITIATIVE, PEACE through PIE, as a Community Partner with Beauty's Community Garden, produced the Green Seedling Magazine. The magazine was created, as part of a two year grant project, running (9/2021 - 9/2023). This project supported the Acres Homes Community in Houston Texas. It was part of a Be Well™ Acres Homes initiative of The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. Under PVAMU's fiscal sponsorship, PEACE through PIE, as Beauty's Community Garden's Community Partner Organization, was able to create and produce the magazine for the grant.
Click the link below to sign up to access the links to all issues of the magazine,
Impact & Learning Outcomes
- Growing Food Awareness
- What is a plant-based food?
- What is a fruit, veggie, or herb
- The environmental needs
- The needs of each food grown
- nutrition, pH, sowing, maintenance, and harvesting.
- Nutrition Awareness
- The different nutrition types
- What plant-based foods provide what nutrients?
- Body Awareness
- The different human organs?
- The function of each organ
- Nutritional needs of each organ to be healthy and perform.
Supporters of this Initiative
As a non-profit your support helps us provide targeted materials that can make a difference in a person's life. Please consider supporting this initiative by providing a service i.e., technical, social media, content provider, teacher, special topic advisor. digital media specialist, graphic design, photographer, and of course as a sponsor/donor